WordCamp Philly Presenting Panel on Ethics at Oct. 27 Event

four individuals, each holding the piece of a puzzle
How do ethics apply to official WordPress-related events and to the businesses and individuals affiliated with those events? What happens if the businesses or individuals promote or earn income from groups whose mission is incompatible with the Code of Conduct? Where is the line for WordCamps when it comes to “providing a friendly, safe and welcoming environment for all”?

WordCamp Philly 2018 will explore the issue in its panel, “Where the Rubber Meets the Road: Ethics, Values and the WordPress Community”. The panel will be at 10:50 am Saturday, October 27.

Our panelists will consider and discuss the following questions:

  • How should a community’s ethics be applied to event speakers, sponsors, volunteers and vendors?
  • In our businesses and as a community, how do we develop and implement policies that reflect our ethics and values?

Panelists include:

  • Doris DelTosto Brogan, Professor of Law, Harold Reuschlein Leadership Chair, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law
  • Jason Coleman, WordPress Core Contributor and Plugin Author | CEO, Paid Memberships Pro
  • Andrea Middleton, Leader in the WordPress Global Community team
  • Liam Dempsey, Lead Organizer, WordCamp Philly | Director + Designer, LBDesign

The panel moderator is Simeon S. Poles, an Associate with Duane Morris LLP.

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

WordCamp Philly is over. Check out the next edition!